Access to the World through Books and So Much More
Tuesday, November 28, 5:30 pm dinner, 6:00 pm discussionZoom This year, Book Club is meeting the 4th Tuesday of each month (except December) through April. We’ll enjoy a shared meal before discussing the book. November’s book is Years of Wonder by Geraldine Brooks. This is an historical fiction describing the plague in an isolated village in 1666. The protagonist, a housemaid named Anna Frith, is unlikely heroine and healer and it is through her eyes that the story is told. She must find the strength to confront the disintegration of her community and the lure of love. As she struggles to survive and grow, a year of catastrophe becomes instead annus mirabilis, a “year of wonders.”
Community Room andBooks are available at the library. Other books we’ll read this winter include: